President Trump’s policy of cracking down on illegal immigration, could have an impact on the availability of health care for the elderly.
The general principle of supply and demand when applied to fewer immigrants in the workforce, could have a direct impact on the lives of the elderly, according to Financial Advisor in "Trump Immigration Moves Could Mean Big Bills For Seniors."
The attempt by the U.S. to enforce its immigration law, is creating varying opinions from economists on how it will impact wages, prices and economic growth.
One general economic principle, however, is fairly simple.
The smaller the total size of the labor supply, the more that businesses must pay for labor. That is basic supply and demand. Some of the increased cost that businesses have to pay for labor, may be passed on to consumers. However, the actual amount is a source of debate.
Approximately one in four home health aides are immigrants. Some of them are here legally and some are not. Elder law and immigration law advocates are already starting to report that many illegal immigrants are going into hiding, since they fear being deported. There is beginning to be a shortage in the labor supply for home health workers that are needed to keep the elderly in their own homes.
If this continues, it could force more seniors into nursing homes and assisted living facilities. This could also come with greater costs, since there are only so many available beds and many of those facilities also rely on immigrant labor.
Reference: Financial Advisor (Feb. 17, 2017) "Trump Immigration Moves Could Mean Big Bills For Seniors."